STARS - 2018
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Where to Focus on for Human Action Recognition?

Participants : Srijan Das, Arpit Chaudhary, Francois Brémond, Monique Thonnat.

Keywords: Spatial attention, Body parts, End-to-end

We proposed a spatial attention mechanism based on 3D articulated pose to focus on the most relevant body parts involved in the action. For action classification, we proposed a classification network compounded of spatio-temporal subnetworks modeling the appearance of human body parts and RNN attention subnetwork implementing our attention mechanism. Furthermore, we trained our proposed network end-to-end using a regularized cross-entropy loss, leading to a joint training of the RNN delivering attention globally to the whole set of spatio-temporal features, extracted from 3D ConvNets. Our method outperforms the State-of-the-art methods on the largest human activity recognition dataset available to-date (NTU RGB+D Dataset) which is also multi-views and on a human action recognition dataset with object interaction (Northwestern-UCLA Multiview Action 3D Dataset). The proposed framework will be published in WACV 2019. Sample visual results displaying the attention scores attained for each body parts can be seen in fig. 17.

Figure 17. Example of video sequences with their respective attention scores. The action categories presented are drinking water with left hand (1st row), kicking (2nd row) and brushing hair with left hand (last row).